Peer-reviewed Journals
Snodgrass Rangel, V., Bell, E., and Monroy, C., 2016. Science Teachers’ Data Use Practices: A Descriptive Analysis. In Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(86).
Snodgrass Rangel, V., Bell, E., and Monroy, C., 2016. A Descriptive Analysis of Instructional Coaches’ Sensemaking Around Data Use. In School Effectiveness and School Improvement, An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice, 1-25.
Snodgrass Rangel, V., Bell, E., Monroy, C., and Whitaker, J. 2015. Toward a New Approach to the Evaluation of a Digital Curriculum Using Learning Analytics. In Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 47(2) 89-104.
Monroy, C., Rangel, V., and Whitaker, R. 2014. A Strategy for Incorporating Learning Analytics into the Design and Evaluation of a K-12 Science Curriculum. In Journal of Learning Analytics. 1(2), 94-125.
Meneses, L., Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Mallen, E. 2011. Computational Approaches to a Catalogue Raisonné of Pablo Picasso. Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis. 16(1): 19-46.
Urbina, E., Furuta, R., Smith, S., Audenaert, N., Deng, J., and Monroy, C. 2006. Visual Knowledge: Textual Iconography of the Quixote, a Hypertextual Archive. Literary and Linguistic Computing, Oxford University Press, 21(2): 247-258.
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings
C. Zou, J., Barnett, R.M., Lorido-Botran, T., Luo, S., Monroy, C., Sikdar, S., Teymourian, K., Yuan, B., Jermaine, C. 2018. PlinyCompute: A Platform for High-Performance, Distributed, Data-Intensive Tool Development. In Proceedings of ACM-SIGMOD. Houston, TX, June 2018.
Rangel, V., Bell, E., and Monroy, C. 2016. Working with Middle School Science Teachers to Design and Implement an Interactive Data Dashboard. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Washington, D.C., April 2016.
Snodgrass Rangel, V., Bell, E., and Monroy, C. 2015. How Instructional Coaches Shape Teachers’ Sensemaking around Data Use. In Annual Meeting of the University Council on Educational Administration.
Monroy, C., Snodgrass Rangel, V., Bell, E. and Whitaker, R. 2015. A learning analytics approach to characterize and analyze inquiry-based pedagogical processes. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. ACM Press, 398-399
Rangel, V., Bell, E., Monroy, C., and Whitaker, R. 2014. Investigating Blended Learning: What Matters for Implementing a Digital Science Curriculum in an Urban District. In Proceedings of the 2014 American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Indianapolis, April 2014.
Rangel, V., Bell, E., Monroy, C., and Whitaker, R. 2014. The Potential of Learning Analytics Data in Implementation Research. Poster presentation at the 2014 American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Indianapolis, April 2014.
Monroy, C., Rangel, V., and Whitaker, R. 2013. STEMScopes: Contextualizing Learning Analytics in a K-12 Science Curriculum. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Leuven, Belgium 2013. ACM Press, New York, 210-219.
Rangel, V., Monroy, C., and Whitaker, R. 2013. Teacher-Centered Design: Improving a K-12 Science Curriculum and its Dashboard. In Proceedings of the 2013 National Association for Research in Science Teaching, NARST Conference. Puerto Rico, April 2013.
Rangel, V., Bell, E., Monroy, C., and Whitaker, R. 2013. A Year in Review: Year One Results from an Evaluation of an Online Blended Science Curriculum Model in an Urban District. In Proceedings of the 2013 American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, April 2013.
Monroy, C., Klisch, Y., and Miller, L. 2011. Emerging Contexts for Science Education: Embedding a Forensic Science Game in a Virtual World. In Proceedings of the 2011 Information Science Conference, Seattle WA. ACM Press, New York, 622-629.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Castro F. 2010. Using an Ontology and a Multilingual Glossary for Enhancing the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library. In Proceedings of the 2010 International Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Queensland, Australia. ACM Press, New York, 259-262.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Castro F. 2009. Ask Not What Your Text Can do For You. As What You Can Do For Your Text (a Dictionary’s Perspective). In Proceedings of the 2009 Digital Humanities Conference. Maryland, 2009. The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, 344-347.
Monroy, C., Stringer, G., and Furuta, R. 2008. DigitalDonne: New Tools for Textual Presentation and Analysis. In Proceedings of the Canadian Symposium on Text Analysis. University of Saskatchewan, Canada, October 2008.
Meneses, L., Monroy, C., and Mallen, E. 2008. Picasso’s Poetry: the Case of a Bilingual Concordance. In Proceedings of the 2008 Digital Humanities Conference. Oulu, Finland. The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, 344-347.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Castro F. 2007. Texts, Illustrations, and Physical Objects: The Case of Ancient Shipbuilding Treatises. In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Digital Libraries. Budapest, Hungary, September 2007. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 198-209.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Castro F. 2007. A Multilingual Approach to Technical Manuscripts: 16th and 17th-century Portuguese Shipbuilding Treatises. In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. ACM Press, New York, 413-414.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Stringer, G. 2007. Digital Donne: Workflow, Editing Tools, and the Reader’s Interface of a Collection of 17th-century English Poetry. In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. ACM Press, New York, 411-412.
Singh, M., Furuta, R., Urbina, E., Audenaert, N., Deng, J., and Monroy, C. 2006. Expanding a Humanities Digital Library: Musical References in Cervantes’ Works. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Alicante, Spain, September 2006. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 158-169.
Monroy, C., Parks, N., Furuta, R., and Castro F. 2006. The Nautical Archaeology Digital Library. In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Alicante, Spain, September 2006. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 544-547.
Urbina, E., Furuta, R., Deng, J., Audenaert, N., González, F., Singh, M., and Monroy, C. 2006. Textual Iconography of the Quixote: A Data Model for Extending the Single-faceted Pictorial Space into a Poly-faceted Semantic Web. In Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Conference. Université Paris-Sorbonne, 215-220.
Audenaert, N., Furuta, R., Urbina, E., Deng, J., Monroy, C., Sáenz, R., and Careaga, D. 2005. Integrating Collections at the Cervantes Project. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2005. ACM Press, New York, 287-88.
Audenaert, N., Furuta, R., Urbina, E., Deng, J., Monroy, C., Sáenz, R., and Careaga, D. 2005. Integrating Diverse Research in a Digital Library Focused on a Single Author. In Proceedings of the 2005 European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Germany 2005. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 151-161.
Kochumman, R., Monroy, C., Deng, J., Furuta, R., and Urbina, E. 2004. Tools for a New Generation of Scholarly Edition Unified by a TEI-based Interchange Format. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Tucson, Arizona 2004. IEEE, 368-369.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., Urbina, E., and Mallen, E. 2003. Texts, Images, Knowledge: Visualizing Cervantes and Picasso. In Proceedings of the Visual Knowledges Conference. Frow, J. (Ed.) University of Edinburgh: Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Mallen, E. 2003. Visualizing and Exploring Picasso’s World. In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. IEEE Computer Society. 173-175.
Monroy, C., Kochumman, R., Furuta, R., Urbina, E., Melgoza, E., and Goenka, A. 2002. Visualization of Variants in Textual Collations to Analyze the Evolution of Literary Works in The Cervantes Project. In Proceedings of the European Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Rome, Italy 2002. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. 199-211.
Monroy, C., Kochumman, R., Furuta, R., and Urbina, E. 2002. Interactive Timeline Viewer (ItLv): A Tool to Visualize Variants Among Documents. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries. ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Houston, Texas 2002. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. 39-49.
Kochumman, R., Monroy, C., Furuta, R., Goenka, R., Urbina, E., and Melgoza, E. 2002. Towards an Electronic Variorum Edition of Cervantes’ Don Quixote: Visualizations that Support Preparation. In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. ACM Press, New York, 199-200.
Urbina, E., Furuta, R., Goenka, A., Kochumman, R., Melgoza, E., and Monroy, C. 2002. Critical Editing in the Digital Age: Informatics and Humanities Research. In Proceedings of the Conference on The New Information Order and the Future of the Archive, March 2002. Frow, J. (Ed.), Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Book Chapters
Monroy, C., Castro, F., and Furuta, R. 2011. A Digital Library Perspective: The Synthesis and Storage of Maritime Archaeological Data to Assist in Ship Reconstruction. In Catsambis, A., Ford, B., and Hamilton, D. (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology. Oxford University Press (USA), 327-346.
Monroy, C., Furuta, R., and Castro, F. 2008. Design of a Computer-based Frame to Store, Manage, and Divulge Information from Underwater Archaeological Excavations: the Pepper Wreck Case. In Castro, F. and Custer, K., (Eds.). Edge of Empire. Society for Historical Archaeology. Caleidoscópio, Lisbon, Portugal. 275-294.
Book Reviews
Monroy, C. 2011. Book Review: Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies. Noah Wardrip-Fruin. Cambridge, MA/London: The MIT Press, 2009. In Literary and Linguistic Computing. Oxford Journals, 26(4): 481-483.
Invited Conference Proceedings
Urbina, E., Pasquel, E., Furuta, R., Monroy, C., Deng, J., and Audenaert, N. 2007. Humanidades Digitales, Crítica Textual y la Edición Variorum Electrónica del Quijote (EVE DQ). Actas del Congreso de la Asociación de Hispanistas Italianos (AISPI 2005). Università di Palermo, Italy, 2005. Ruta, M., Silvestri, L. (Eds.). Palermo: Flaccovio Editore, 223-235.
Urbina, E., Monroy, C., Goenka, A., Furuta, R., and Cruz, S. 2004. Del texto al hipertexto: la biblioteca digital y el Proyecto Cervantes. Del texto al hipertexto: las bibliotecas universitarias ante el reto de la digitalización. Alía, F. (Ed.), Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. 141-165.
Urbina, E., Furuta, R., Monroy, C., Goenka, A., and Cruz, S. 2004. Hacia el Quijote en su IV Centenario (1605-2005): hipertextualidad e informatización. Bulletin of Spanish Studies. Glasgow. 81(4-5):553-567.
Urbina, E., Monroy, C., and Furuta, R. 2003. Iconografía textual del Quijote: repaso y nueva aproximación de cara al IV centenario. In limine al IV Centenario del Quijote. Coloquio Internacional de la Associazione Cervantina di Venecia, Ateneo Veneto. Venice, Italy, April 2003.
Urbina, E., Furuta, R., Goenka, A., Kochumman, R., Melgoza, E., and Monroy, C. 2002. Texto, contextos e hipertexto: la critica textual en la era digital y la Edición electrónica variorum del Quijote-IV Centenario. Quaderni di Letterature Iberiche e Iberoameicane. Milan, Italy, 27:21-49.